With ever decreasing school budgets and constant rising costs, school needs every penny that the children of St. Anne’s are entitled to.
In recent years, due to the government providing children from Reception to year 2 with free school meals, there has been a large decline in the number of parents applying for free school meals.
Even if your child receives a free school meal in Reception through to year 2, or brings a packed lunch and never takes a school meal, the 10 minutes you take to complete an application could benefit our school by £1320.00 per child, per year, throughout their time at St. Anne’s. This money can be used to improve resources and staffing to provide your child with the best education possible.
Am I entitled to free school meals?
Here is a quick guide for those who will be entitled, however, if you are still unsure after reading this please attempt to complete the application just in case.
If you receive income support, employment and support allowance (income related) or job seekers allowance (income based), or if your income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,190.00, or you receive Universal Credit and have an income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £7,400 and you receive child tax credit but NOT working tax credit, you will be entitled to free school meals for any of your children under 17 years of age on 1st September 2018 who attend school.
Thank you for your continued support.