Key Stage Two Sats Results 2023
Key Stage Two Sats Results 2023
Percentage of pupils who achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 52%
Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 6%
Percentage of Pupils achieving at least expected standard in Reading: 61%
Percentage of Pupils achieving at least expected standard in Writing: 55%
Percentage of Pupils achieving at least expected standard in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: 61%
Percentage of Pupils achieving the expected standard in Mathematics: 61%
Percentage of Pupils achieving greater depth standard in Reading: 23%
Percentage of Pupils achieving greater depth standard in Writing: 10%
Percentage of Pupils achieving greater depth standard in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: 23%
Percentage of Pupils achieving greater depth standard in Mathematics: 13%
Average Scaled Score in Reading: 104
Average Scaled Score in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: 102
Average Scaled Score in Mathematics: 102
Reading Progress Score (confidence interval in brackets): -0.5 (-2.8 to 1.8)
Writing Progress Score (confidence interval in brackets): -0.8 (-3.0 to 1.4)
Mathematics Progress Score (confidence in brackets): -1.3 (-3.4 to 0.9)
The progress made by St. Anne’s Pupils in Reading, Writing and Mathematics is in line with National Averages and has been for the last four years of national assessments.
Version 1 dated September 2023