Our school doors open at 8.45am and the school day begins with registration at 8.55am to 12.00 noon for Infants 12.15pm for Juniors.
The afternoon session begins at 1.15pm and school finishes at 3.15pm.
Nursery sessions begin at 9.00am until 12.00 noon for the morning group and 12.15pm until 3.15pm for the afternoon group.
At St. Anne’s, we aim to ensure that staff, pupils and their families receive accurate and consistent messages on healthy eating and the importance of a balanced diet.
We recognise that a healthy balanced diet, along with a healthy attitude to food, plays an essential part in the health of young people, both now and in the future. Curriculum policies such as, Science, D.T. and P.S.H.E. are ways in which we reinforce these healthy eating messages.
School meals are freshly prepared and cooked daily on the school premises and provide an extremely balanced diet. Menus are available in advance from school to enable both children and parents to see what is on offer. Prepared packed lunches are also available.
The cost is currently £2.50 per day, £12.50 per week. Payment is due in advance of the week and must be paid into the cash machine located in school. Cheques are acceptable and should be made payable to St. Anne’s R.C. Primary School. Parents are able to check their child’s healthy eating points at any time on the machine.
If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, you must contact Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, and please inform the school office as soon as possible. All information is kept strictly private and confidential. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Government scheme.
Provision in the dining hall is available for children to eat a packed lunch. A guidance leaflet is issued to parents as to the recommended content to packed lunches. The School Meals Service also requires that all waste from packed lunches is taken home - this is because they do not provide facilities to dispose of such waste. It also allows you to see what you child is eating/leaving! Please ensure that your child’s lunchbox is clearly marked with his/her name and does not contain any sharp instruments or glass containers, which may cause injury.
Children may not change from packed lunches to school meals or visa versa without school being given two weeks notice in writing. Dinners are ordered automatically, so if school does not receive such notice, you will be charged accordingly.
Milk is provided for children up to the end of Year 2 at a cost of £6 per term or £18 per year.
Foundation Stage and KS1 children receive a piece of fruit each day.
All KS2 children are allowed to bring a small healthy snack to school for break time, but this concession is not automatic and may be withdrawn from children who do not dispose of litter thoughtfully, or otherwise abuse the privilege. We have received the Healthy School Award and therefore allow only healthy snacks at break time.
We also discourage children from bringing in chocolate and sweets for birthdays as this
presents mixed messages. If such treats are sent into school we prefer them only be given out at the end of the school day, so that parents are then making the choice for their own child.
Light Blue polo shirt with school logo
Royal Blue sweatshirt with school logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
Grey or white socks or tights
Blue & White checked dress for summer
Light blue sweatshirt with nursery logo
Light blue shirt with nursery logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
Grey or white socks or tights
Blue & White checked dress for summer
P.E. Kit
Children in Reception-Y6 require a PE kit. All parts of the kit need to be named, as does their kit bag. Please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school every day as sometimes their P.E. session may change.
Royal blue shorts
white t-shirt with school logo
black PE pumps
All the above uniform is available from Whittakers, The Pavilions, Church Street, Blackburn.