In the week beginning Monday 3rd July we will be holding a Moving Up week. Y6 pupils will be visiting their high schools at different points during the week (parents/carers should by now have received information from the high schools) and our new Nursery and Reception children will be visiting us.
Our current Reception to Y5 classes will all be ‘moving up’ to their new teachers and classes on Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th. On the morning of Wednesday 5th, all children should come to school through the normal entrance. However, they should be collected at the end of the day from the exit they will use next year e.g. Current Reception children should be picked up from the KS1 doors and current Y2 should be collected from the KS2 doors. All other children will use their normal doors. On Thursday and Friday morning of that week, please drop off and collect the children from their new entrance.
On Monday 10th July and for the rest of the school year, the children will return to their usual entrance and exit doors. We are very excited about these moving up days as it will allow staff and children to get to know each other and will mean that the children settle well in September.