I am excited to tell you that as a school we have made the decision to teach French as our Modern Foreign Language (MFL) starting from September for Years 3 to 5. Year 6 will continue with their Spanish lessons.
As such on Friday 6th September we are hosting our very own French day! This is ONLY for KS2 as KS1 do not have languages lessons.
The children will take part in different activities throughout the day and, are invited to wear clothing of blue, white and red to celebrate the launch of our new MFL.
Children in Year 6 are invited to wear red and yellow. They will partake in similar activities but with a focus on Spain.
We are all extremely excited about our new venture and cannot wait to share with you our French work later in the year. Please keep an eye on social media for photographs and work from our launch day.
Thank you as always for your continued support